Test success may not be sufficient to enroll in colleges you desire. You may need a team that researches all universities for you, complete your applications, and guide you with your choices. At this level, Puza Academy will support you in the following aspects and helps you reach your highest goals.

  • Students’ academic standings are continuously monitored by the counsellors and teachers. Counsellors help the students with hesitations about their future goals to determine their university/department choices. Career selection tests, one-on-one meetings with education coaches, occupational seminars, and choice seminars will be held regarding selecting a university.
  • Our counsellors at Puza Academy shall determine which tests our students will apply to reach their goals, and help them submit their applications. Students will be transported to test locations on test dates with vehicles provided by Puza Academy, accompanied by their counsellors.
  • After test results are announced, universities to apply will be determined. University applications are completed with assistance of our counsellors and followed up carefully.
  • Many universities announce additional placement dates for vacant capacity. Our counsellors track such additional placement announcements daily, inform students that will benefit from such opportunities, and help them complete their applications.
  • When our students are admitted to a university, their file to enroll will be prepared completely.
  • Entire application process can be tracked live from Puza Academy Application by students and/or parents.



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