When planning your university journey, it is very important to strategize correctly and choose the best path for your undergraduate studies.

University Guidance

When planning your university journey, it is very important to strategize correctly and choose the best path for your undergraduate studies.

At Puza Academy, we conduct a thoughtful collage search, including identifying and researching potential collage matches and creating a balanced collage list. Creating a customized timeline and developing a testing plan for the SAT, SAT Subject tests, TOEFL/IELTS are very important steps towards your admission.

It is also significant to discuss and develop extracurricular and summer activities, brainstorm and edit college essays and manage deadlines of applications.

At Puza Academy, our university application process is customized for each student, no matter what stage of the college admission process they are in or where they intend to study.

Universities consider the student's curriculum, high school grades (grades 9 to 12), activities, and awards when reviewing students, so it's very important to start the college preparation process as early as possible. During senior year, students will finalize all application elements including the personal statement and all supplements to complete their applications on time.